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CIFE stands for Centre international de formation européenne (International center for European training) and is a private institution of higher education and research founded in 1954.

CIFE has a strong international orientation, with its main office in Nice and offices in Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. It is one of the seven institutions of excellence to receive an operating grant from the EU under the ‘Jean Monnet Activities’ of the Erasmus+ programme.

By educating students from all EU member states and beyond, CIFE is training multipliers, who will convey in their future professional and personal context an accurate and fair image of European integration. Our programmes connect EU policy makers with students, fostering dialogue between citizens and European decision-makers. International seminars addressed to participants from non-EU countries (China, US) are creating awareness, knowledge and support of the EU among multipliers from key audiences.

Yes, CIFE delivers ECTS for the completion of its Master programme.

ECTS is the credit system for the accumulation of transferable credits used in the European Higher Education Area, involving all countries engaged in the Bologna Process. The ECTS credit system is based on mutual recognition between university programmes of the individual workload achieved by the students to attain the objectives of their programmes.

The term workload describes the amount of time needed by an average student to attain the results, defined in terms of knowledge and competencies.
Credits are a way to quantify the knowledge acquired by students and to make their accumulation comparable and transferable.
One ECTS credit is equivalent to 25-30 working hours on average.

The credits awarded for the successful completion of the Executive Master in EU Studies are 60 ECTS. They are calculated on the basis that one ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 - 30 working hours on average. In total 60 ECTS are a workload of 1500 hours.

After completion of the two-year studies, you receive two certifications:

  • The Executive Master in EU Studies: diploma of CIFE as a private institute of higher education, certifying the successful completion and granting 60 ECTS.
  • The degree qualification Chargé de mission en organisations européennes et internationales (Policy Officer in European and International Organisations): qualification recognised by the French state as a degree at Master level – EQF level 7 and registered in the French national register of professional qualifications (RNCP) which lists all diplomas, degrees and professional titles recognised by France.

The Executive Master in EU Studies is a two-year part-time study programme, starting in October each year.
The programme is designed for professionals who wish to work and study at the same time and combines online courses and face-to-face weekend workshops.

Each class of the Executive Master programme starts every year mid October online, followed by a first face-to-face workshop about one week later.

Yes, this programme is designed for professionals and allows the students to study and work at the same time.
With a lot of flexibility, the programme makes it possible for you to gain structured knowledge of EU fundamentals, focused on key issues for in-depth understanding and a future-oriented approach to EU integration while pursuing your career.

One course includes the following elements:

  • Presence introduction session
  • Online course script
  • Additional online material
  • Online forum
  • At least one evening webinar
  • One or two assignments
  • Examination during the following face-to-face workshop

Four times during one academic year, you meet with your professors, your fellows and the CIFE staff for a face-to-face workshop. During these workshops, the new courses are introduced.

After the course introduction in a presence format, the online phase begins.
You find all course materials on our e-learning platform. You can read the course texts, give answers to the questions on the online fora and watch the additional explanatory videos whenever the time is suitable for you.
During each term, there is at least one webinar with your professor. It takes place in the evening and the deadline is communicated ahead of time. There you have the chance to meet the professor and your fellows online, ask questions and discuss the topics. The webinars are always recorded and can be watched online later, if joining the webinar is not possible for you.
In each course, you have to write at least one assignment (about 5 pages). The topic and deadline are communicated at the beginning of the term and you can schedule your time to work on the paper according to your other tasks.

The course is completed with an examination, which takes place at the end of the term during the presence workshop.

You meet your professors and fellows online during the webinars. The webinars take place at least once for each course in the midterm.

During all weekend workshops, you will meet with your fellows. You also meet your professors in presence during their respective course introduction at the weekend workshops.

The online classes (webinars) take place for each course 1-2 times during each term. They take place in the evening and are scheduled ahead of time. A webinar takes about 1-1,5 hours. The webinars are recorded and can be watched later, if joining is not be possible for you.

The face-to-face classes take place 4 times a year for a long weekend (usually arrival Thursday – departure Sunday). The places and times are scheduled for the 2 years and you receive all dates before the beginning of the programme.

The programme works with the e-learning platform ILIAS. There you find all course materials, the online fora for an intensive exchange between professors and students, and this is the place where you will find all administrative information related to the programme.

The programme is organized to study and work at the same time. You have the flexibility to study for the Master programme whenever it is suitable for you. In the evening, during the weekends or whether you take some days of to prepare for the examinations, it is up to you. However, there are deadlines for the forum contributions (short questions to be answered on a weekly basis), assignments and examinations. For each course you receive at least 3 ECTS, is calculated on the basis that one ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 – 30 working hours on average.

In the class of the Executive Master in EU Studies about 20 – 30 students study together. We therefore guarantee an intensive supervision of the students by professors and staff.

No, there are compulsory and elective courses in the programme.

During the first academic year - over three study terms – you have compulsory and elective courses focusing on fundamentals of European studies. In the elective course, you can follow your personal interest. Students also have a compulsory course on Fundamentals of Scientific Work.
The second year combines advanced teaching offers in Political Science, Economics and EU Law with a specialisation in either a research track leading to a Master thesis or a professional track intensifying skills and competences for the job market and completing their studies with a final paper.

For each course, you have to answer questions on the course forum. The forum is the virtual classroom where you exchange ideas and thoughts with your professors and fellows and where you deal with the course text.
You have to write one or two assignments in each course, which is a paper about 5 pages long.
At the end of the term, you write a final examination for each course.

During the last phase of your studies, you write a Master thesis or a final paper.
In which discipline (Political science, EU Law or Economics) and track (research or professional track) you will write your Master thesis or final paper you will choose at the end of the first study year.
The research track leads to a Master thesis (50 - 60 pages); the professional track intensifies your skills and competences for the job market and is completed with a final paper (25 - 30 pages).

The face-to-face workshops are the time when you meet your professors, your fellows and the CIFE staff. During the workshop, you have to write the examinations and you are introduced to the new courses. Furthermore, CIFE uses its contacts and schedules visits to national and international institutions, organises meetings with decision makers, or realises interesting talks with our CIFE Alumni.

In the first academic year, you have face-to-face workshops in Berlin, Rome, Budapest, and Brussels. In the second year of your studies, the workshops take place in Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona, and Nice.

During the 2-year study programme, there are 8 weekend workshops.

In the first academic year 3 out of 4 workshops are compulsory, in the second year all 4 workshops are compulsory. You receive all workshop dates in the beginning of your studies in order to inform your employer in due time.

The workshops are scheduled for a long weekend. For almost all workshops, you have to arrive Thursday evening and depart on Sunday during the day. Only the second workshop in Berlin is a little longer (arrival on Wednesday).

Yes, CIFE covers board and lodging during the workshops.
You only have to cover your travel costs.

No, travel costs are not included in the tuition fees.
The tuition fees cover access to all course materials, board and lodging during the workshops, and the close supervision by the professors and the CIFE staff.

The application deadline for the next academic year starting in October 2024 is 25 September 2024.

The Selection committee meets regularly in order to examine incoming applications.
Applications, which arrive after the deadline, are placed on a waiting list In any case, applications and requests for financial aid should reach the CIFE Berlin office as early as possible in order to have the best chances of success.

The application needs to be done via our online application form until the 25 September. After creating your personal application account, you will be able to fill in the programme application form, which also includes the application for a tuition fee reduction and to submit the documents needed:

• your Curriculum Vitae (for instance in form of Europass)
• your Diploma(s) (original and translation)
• your Transcript of Records
• your motivation letter
• 2 letters of reference of university professors of employers. Alternatively, you can provide us with their contact details (postal and email) and we will contact them directly

Please keep in mind the password and be aware that your email address is your login.

The Selection Committee needs the following documents to state on your application:

• your Curriculum Vitae (for instance in form of Europass)
• a copy of your Diploma(s) (original and translation)
• your Transcript of Records
• your motivation letter
• 2 letters of reference of university professors and/or of employers. Alternatively, you can provide us with their contact details (postal and email) and we will contact them directly

Your Diploma(s) and Transcripts of Records should be translated into English. If you encounter difficulties for translation, please contact us as some of our staff might be able to read your documents, depending on the language.

Apart from a university degree (B.A. level) and a solid motivation to study European affairs, there is no specific academic background required.
The study programme is designed for students who want to get excellent knowledge in European Studies, regardless of the academic backgrounds.

Yes, you need to have work experience to apply as this study programme is designed for professionals.

You need to have a good command on the English language as the whole study programme is taught in English. You write assignments, examinations and your Master thesis or final paper in English. You also present your work and communicate with your professors and fellow students in English. There is no formal requirement of your knowledge of English.

The Selection Committee meets on a regular basis and examines incoming applications.

It is is composed of the Director General of CIFE, the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam of the Centre for Turkey and European Union Studies at the University of Cologne and both Senior Programme Managers of the Executive Master in EU Studies. It meets regularly to decide on admission and the allocation of scholarships, which can reduce the tuition fee.
Candidates must address the Committee in writing. The meetings and the minutes of the Selection Committee are not open to the public. The Selection Committee is responsible to the Federal Council of CIFE.
The applicant will receive a written decision regarding his/her admission to the programme.

You will be informed about the Selection Committee's decision after their meeting, at the latest four weeks after your application.

As this programme is a blended-learning programme, you do not need to move to Germany to study with the Executive Master in EU Studies.
Depending on your country of origin, you might need a visa to travel to the weekend workshops. The CIFE team provides you with all necessary supporting documents for your visa application. 

The tuition fees for the Executive Master in EU Studies are 4,900 euro per study year, 9,800 euro for the two study years. They cover academic guidance, a virtual campus, technical support as well as board and lodging during the weekend workshops. Travel costs are to be paid by participants.

We offer an ‘early bird’ discount for early applications: CIFE offers a reduction of 10 % for applicants who register before 30 June of the first academic year. This discount is only applicable on the entire fee of 4,900 euro. Applicants who would like to have the advantage of the early bird reduction must transfer the fees (4,410 euro) by 30 July of the first academic year.

You will have to pay your tuitions before 31 September. Your studies of the first academic year start on 10 October.

We offer an ‘early bird’ discount for early applications: CIFE offers a reduction of 10 % for applicants who register before 30 June of the first academic year. This discount is only applicable on the entire fees of 4,900 euro. Applicants who would like to have the advantage of the early bird reduction must transfer the fees (4,410 euro) by 30 July of the first academic year.

The tuition fees for the Executive Master in EU Studies cover academic guidance, a virtual campus, technical support as well as board and lodging during the weekend workshops. Travel costs are to be paid by participants.

We offer the possibility to pay the tuition fees in several instalments if needed.
If you need to pay your tuitions fees in instalments, please contact us.

As CIFE has the privilege to belong to the seven institutions financed by the Erasmus+ programme, it can grant need-based scholarships in the form of a reduction of the tuition fees.

The full tuition fees are 4,900 € for one academic year.

Different amounts of scholarships can be granted by CIFE for one academic year: 1,200 € (3,700 € tuition fees to be paid), 1,800 € (3,100 € tuition fees to be paid), 2,200 € (2,700 € tution fees to be paid), or 2,600 € (2,300 € tution fees to be paid).

If you wish to apply for a reduction of the tuition fees, you will be able to do so while applying for the study programme. You will have to tick the box ‘I apply for a reduction of the tuition fees’ and choose among different amounts of reduction.

The tuition fees for one academic year are 4,900 €. The different amounts of reductions of the tuition fees are 1,200 €, 1,800 €, 2,200 € and 2,600 €.
As an example, if you choose the amount 1,200 € and are granted this amount, your remaining tuition fees will be 3,700 € (full tuition fees of 4,900 € with the deduction of 1,200 € = 3,700 €).

Scholarships as reductions of the tuition fees are need based. Students who can justify that their income do not allow them to be able to cover the full tuition fees can apply for a scholarship. They need to fill in a document on their financial situation and to submit documents justifying their income, such as current monthly pay slips, tax assessment notice etc.
