Latest News | Executive Master in EU Studies | European Master

Berlin Workshop

Last weekend we met for the January workshop of the second year of the Executive Master in EU Studies in Berlin.

We were very happy to meet Livia Puglisi, Head of Office of former President of Germany Christian Wulff, discussing about Silent Democracy and exchanging with her. Our participants then had the opportunity to perform during the Presentation skills exercise conducted by Thomas Traguth. They also discussed with the CIFE experts the highly relevant topic of Energy Policy, first based on the exercise of Debating Society.

Edgar Lenski gave an input during the interdisciplinary session on German European Policy. The topic was discussed with Wolfgang Wessels, András Inotai, Mattias Wendel, Ralf Kanitz, Tamás Szigetvari and Thomas Traguth.

A simulation of a case before the European Court of Justice was also organised, each participant took an active role as Applicant, Member states, European Commission, Advocate general, Judge rapporteur and Judge. We are now waiting for the opinion of the Advocate General and the judgement!

We thank all participants for their participation and all experts and are looking forward to meeting them in person in March in Barcelona!

