CIFE | Executive Master in EU Studies for Professionals | Political Science, Economics, EU Law | Online Master with Weekend Workshops
Master  >  Key Facts
  • CIFE Executive Master European Commission Brussels
  • Berlin Executive Master Weekend Workshop Professional
  • Nice CIFE Executive Master Blended learning
  • Rome Budapest Vienna Barcelona Europe Master
 Curriculum          Weekend Workshops          Our Alumni            Tuition Fees          How to Apply


Executive Master in EU Studies - Key Facts

Online and On-site
Weekend workshops in Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Nice, Rome & Vienna
Duration: 2 years (starting in October)
Credits: 60 ECTS
Working language: English

The Curriculum: First and Second Year 

The programme has an interdisciplinary approach and provides structured knowledge of EU fundamentals, focused on key issues for in-depth understanding and a future-oriented approach to EU integration.

The Executive Master in EU Studies combines theories and methodology classes with hands-on skills like policy brief writing, legal memo writing, economic analysis.

First Year
Compulsory and elective courses on:

  • History of European Integration 
  • EU Institutional Architecture 
  • The EU in World Politics 
  • EU Law 
  • Enlargement of the EU 
  • Sustainable Development
  • Lobbying and Advocacy

Second Year
Specialisation in EU Law, Economics or Political Science with two options:

  • Research track, leading to a Master thesis
  • Professional track: intensify your skills and competences for the labour market

Our Faculty of European Experts

The Master offers top EU expertise from renowned academics and professionals in political science, law, and economics. CIFE’s high-level interdisciplinary faculty of academics and practitioners ensures a teaching method which is academic and at the same time directed towards the professional world. Students delve into the latest academic research and exchange with decision-makers from both the economic and the political world, stakeholders, diplomats as well as officials from international and European organisations.

Executive master Weekend workshops

Entry Requirements & How to Apply

• Bachelor degree
• English proficiency required

Application deadline: 5 September 2024
Early bird: 10% reduction for applications before 30 June 2024


Apply now & take your career to the next level!


Video Testimonials

Become an EU Expert and Take Your Career to the Next Level! 

The Executive Master in EU Studies is designed for professionals who want to study while pursuing their careers.

The Master is a two-year programme that enables flexible study paths via our dedicated e-learning platform and eight workshops in various European cities: 
Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Brussels, Nice, Rome and Vienna.

Tuition Fees 

The tuition fees are 4900 EUR per year, which covers academic guidance, a dedicated virtual campus, technical support as well as board and lodging during the weekend workshops. A limited number of scholarships are available.

Degree and Title

Graduates receive two certifications:
- The Executive Master in EU Studies. This is the diploma of CIFE as a private institute of higher education, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS at Master level.

- The degree qualification "Policy Officer in European and International organisations" (level 7 EQF), recognised by the French state.

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